Save yourself a lot of frustration. Dont download this app.
Whoever is responsible for this app and weather reporting at WTOL should be fired. It is so far off the mark so often that it is worse than worthless.
The app rarely reports current conditions accurately. As an example, a few days ago the app reported "sunny" as the current condition when there was close to 100% cloud cover. On that day, I drove from NW of Toledo, across Toledo, and across Oregon. I drove within a few hundred yards of WTOL where there the sun was not at all visible.
There have been many days when it has been raining across the entire region and the app reports conditions as being sunny or partly cloudy with no mention of rain.
The Worst part is that you advertise "Certified Most Accurate". Really? Certified by whom? You all should me ashamed of yourselves.
Geo_ about WTOL 11 Weather, v4.3.301